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2MS Group SDN BHD is dedicated to providing the highest quality fertilizers to our customers. Our products are designed to help plants grow stronger and healthier, ensuring that our clients get the best possible results. We believe in superior customer service and support, and we are committed to exceeding our customers' expectations in every way. If you're looking to achieve your gardening goals, contact us today. We offer a wide range of products designed to help you achieve healthy, thriving plants.

NPK 15 - 15 - 15

Fertilizers with a NPK ratio of 15-15-15 are used to promote strong root growth, healthy foliage, encourage blooming, and improve general plant health. It can be used on a wide range of plants, including flowers, vegetables, fruit trees, berry bushes, and ornamentals.


NPK Fertilizer

NPK 12 - 12 - 17

Fertilizers with a NPK ratio of 12-12-17 is a compound fertilizer designed to maximize crop yield and quality. Helps in faster growth responses, higher yield and bigger produce

Fertilizers 2.webp

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